© Ahmad Odeh
Philanthropy Research
There are many organisations conducting research into philanthropic giving, as well as organisations with useful resources in this area. NPAC has commissioned its own research, as well as rounding up some of the most useful research by other organisations.

Fallen Angels Dance Theatre
Research Documents
NPAC has undertaken several pieces of research into philanthropy in the arts and culture sector, many of which are included on this website. Our aim has been to demystify the process of philanthropic giving, to understand why donors give, to understand the barriers which prevent supporters becoming donors, and to unpick what arts and culture organisations could do to build relationships with new philanthropists.
View Research Documents
Reading Well, The Reading Agency
Ongoing Research
NPAC continues to undertake and publish research into philanthropic giving in the arts and culture sector, and will add to this website as research documents are able to become public. We will continue to publish links to interesting research from across the sector as we become aware of it.

© Junior Gabriel
We’ve tried to round up a list of some of the most helpful sector organisations, as well as the organisations with whom we worked on the case studies listed in In Support of the Arts. If you can’t find the information you need here, please don’t hesitate to Contact us.
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