Fallen Angels Dance Theatre
Fallen Angels is a dance company that supports people in recovery from addiction to transform their lives and to share recovery stories with the wider public through dance, performance and creativity.
The company was founded by Paul Bayes Kitcher, a professional dance practitioner in recovery from addiction, to work with people facing similar challenges.

Fallen Angels Dance Theatre

Fallen Angels Dance Theatre
Target Beneficiaries
Fallen Angels work with people in recovery from addiction and mental health challenges. Participants are able to sign up directly for activities or are referred by agencies and support workers.
The company aims to raise awareness and break down the barriers facing people in recovery by helping them to increase their confidence and self-esteem, providing high quality dance theatre experiences where they are accepted, valued and able to realise their potential.
Fallen Angels provides a structured pathway to enhance recovery from addiction through:
– Participation: workshops, projects and training. These activities aim to increase confidence and self-esteem, a platform for achievement and developing social networks in a safe and caring environment.
– Performance: live, recorded dance theatre and public speaking, telling stories and journeys for and about people in recovery in order to raise awareness and break down barriers and stigma, working alongside professional dancers.
Fallen Angels deliver these pathways through groups in Cheshire, Liverpool, and Leigh in Greater Manchester.
The company is often commissioned to create performance pieces for festivals and arts venues. They work in collaboration with local substance and alcohol misuse services, recovery groups and other arts organisations.
Fallen Angels has partnerships with Storyhouse Chester, Cheshire Dance, Geese Theatre, Birmingham Royal Ballet, NEW (North East Wales) Dance at HMP Berwyn, and Science Gallery London
In 2018/19 Fallen Angels delivered:
Additionally, best practice has been shared with arts and health professionals and presented as TED talks, and work is ongoing to measure impact through the development of a new app.
Case Study: Philip Ashby
Philip had been addicted to drugs and alcohol for 20 years when he met a dance artist from Fallen Angels. He was sent on a mandatory movement class with her and shortly afterwards went to see a production by the company in which adults in recovery performed alongside professional dancers. Seeing this performance inspired him and made him realise the potential for change. He completed rehab, joined Fallen Angels community recovery, and finally graduated from Liverpool Hope University with a first class degree in Dance, Drama and Performing Arts. He now works as a support worker in mental health and addiction settings and also completed an internship at Liverpool Hope University where he introduced young male dancers to the university.
“Dance has opened a creative mind for me and I am no longer scared of the future. I am beginning a new and exciting chapter in my life. Fallen Angels Dance Theatre helped me find a focus, a passion for something new. My confidence grew and my desire to achieve an education came from working with FADT”
“It challenges me personally, it fulfils and nourishes my life”
Cheshire Community Foundation – Tampon Tax Fund, Police Commissioner of Cheshire – Safer Communities Fund, Garfield Weston Foundation, Arts Council England, and additional trusts and foundations.